You are invited to submit your research on the following topics
✅ Adjustable gastric banding
✅ Anesthesia and bariatric surgery
✅ Banded procedures
✅ Bariatric registries
✅ Bariatric surgery in children, adolescents or elderly
✅ Basic science and research in bariatric surgery
✅ Emergent technology
✅ Endoscopic and Percutaneous Interventional Procedures
✅ Enhanced recovery in bariatric surgery
✅ Fertility, pregnancy and bariatric surgery
✅ Gastric bypass procedures including Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) and One Anastomosis gastric bypass (OAGB)
✅ Gastric Plication
✅ Gastric Stimulation and Nerve Blockade
✅ Hernia surgery in the bariatric patient
✅ Integrated Health or Multidisciplinary care
✅ Malabsorptive bariatric operations
✅ Medical management of bariatric patients
✅ Metabolic Disorders, Epidemiology, Physiology
✅ Nutrition after bariatric surgery
✅ Plastic surgery after weight loss
✅ Pre-operative management or post-operative care
✅ Post-operative complications
✅ Primary care and the bariatric surgery patient
✅ Psychology and bariatric surgery
✅ Revisional surgery
✅ Robotic bariatric surgery
✅ Management of weight regain after surgery
✅ New (Non-standard) Surgical Techniques
✅ Sleeve gastrectomy and sleeve plus
✅ Surgery and strategies for low BMI or high BMI
✅ Technology and bariatric surgery
✅ Type 2 diabetes and metabolic surgery
✅ Young OSSI session